Acta hydrochim. et hydrobiol. 12 (1984) 5,499-519 B. STACHEL, B. GABEL, U. LAHL und B. ZESCHMAR Bremer Umweltinstitut fur die Analyse und Bewertung von Schadstoffen, Bremen Die Desinfektion von Trinkwasserein kritischer f'berblick Sii?nntary: In the chlorination of drinking wat>er about 90 of chlorine show an oxidizing effect, 10 O o result, in halogenated reaction products, ca. 1 O/'O of them consist,ing of trihalomethanes.When chlorine dioxide is applied, in most the trihalomethanes remain below t,he detection limit, but increasingly polar organic reaction products originate, on the other hand. Chloramine is rarely applied, mostly for securing transport with storage reservoir waters. Only little information about reaction products is available. By the application of ozone one obt,ains a wide spectruni of reaction products, the aldehyde contents can be influenced by activated carbon. Especially critical is the formation of persisbent epoxides, above all from pesticides. Due to antimon burners, the ultraviolet irradiation is gaining in interest, and in many cases its biocidal effect is superior to that produced by chlorination and ozonization, except for the problem of re-germination in t,he water supply network. The costs of ultmviolet, irradiation, however, are much higher than those of the other techniques, of which chlorina,tion causes only about one quarter of the costs of the other chemical disinfection t,echniques.