“…To date, researchers have examined whether or not older workers contribute as much to organizational productivity as younger workers do (Ng & Feldman, ), the influence of age discrimination on older workers in recruitment and selection (Avolio & Barrett, ; Perry, Kulik, & Bourhis, ), the prevalence of negative age stereotypes in older workers' performance evaluation and career development experiences (Maurer, ; Schwab & Heneman, ), and other issues related to retirement decisions (Feldman & Beehr, ), health care benefits and pension funds (Short, Shea, & Powell, ), and bridge employment (Gobeki & Beehr, ). In addition, as older workers are less likely to change organizations over time and thereby accumulate more years of work experience with one employer, researchers have paid increasing attention to the effects of long organizational tenure on job performance, too (Ng & Feldman, ; Sturman, ).…”