Introduction/Aims: The locus of control used in the management of chronic diseases is used to explain the different behaviors individuals exhibit in relation to disease This study, was done with the purpose of investigating the health locus of control and affecting factors of diabetic individuals. Methods: This study was a descriptive and cross-sectional study. Data were collected from 325 diabetic individuals living at city center. The questionnaire form and Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale were used in collecting data. Results: The average age of the patients participated to research was 53.3±8.0 years and 51.4% of them were women, 88.9% of them were married, 69.8% of them were primary school graduated and 43.7% of them were housewives. From scale; it was determined that they got 25.3±6.8 points from Internal Health Locus of Control sub-dimension, 27.3±4.7 points from Strong Others Internal Health Locus of Control sub-dimension, 17.9±5.5 points from Chance Locus of Control sub-dimension. Internal health locus of control; marital status, education level, person living together, regular exercise, regular diabetes diet application status were found meaningful (p<0.05). Powerful others health locus of control; adhering to regular diabetes diet, taking regular health checks, Chance health locus of control; marital status, person living, number of individuals in family, status of compliance to regular diabetes diet were found meaningful (p<0.05). Conclusion: It was found that the individuals had mainly external control locus, it's suggested to enhance patients' internal health locus of control by nurses for the purpose of providing independency.