The characteristic diseases of childhood are infectious. The supervision of water supplies, the sanitary disposal of sewage and the pasteurization of milk contribute to the control of certain of these characteristic of the diseases of childhood, except in the period of infancy ; but deaths of older children from causes to some degree pre¬ ventable are by no means negligible. In the three year period 1933 through 1935, an average of 51 per cent of all deaths of children between 1 and 15 years of age were due to the infectious and parasitic diseases, pneumonia, and diarrhea and enteritis. An average of 23,000 deaths of children of these ages were caused yearly by diseases in the infectious and parasitic group, 10,746 by pneumonia, all forms, and 5,458 by diarrhea and enteritis. These deaths measure in part the result of lack of medical care and of delay in summoning medical aid beyond the point at which treatment is effective.