Health promotion, as one tool of hospital managers to reorient hospitals towards more clientoriented healthcare services, has been emphasized for almost three decades. Yet, it is recognized that change in hospitals is challenging and is more desired than substantially enacted. To overcome organizational challenges, health promotion has, so far, adapted organizational change strategies primarily applied in business organizations. However, in this paper, it is argued that such strategies do not adequately reflect the nature of hospitals as 'professional organizations'. To gain a better understanding of the challenges for health promotion reorientation, this paper combines wellestablished theories from the sociology of professions and organizational science. These theories provide a useful framework that advances the role of professionals as powerful agents within any reorientation efforts in hospitals. This framework guided the narrative review of empirical literature on critical dimensions along which professionals engage with reorientation efforts in hospitals. Accordingly, specific managerial strategies to facilitate health promotion reorientation are formulated. With its theoretical underpinnings and related empirical studies, the paper offers a new perspective on the challenges of implementing health promotion and proposes strategies that may help hospital managers to push forward health promotion reorientation in their organizations.