Objective: Detention conditions during incarceration have not been adequately explored in Greece. The aim of this study was to highlight incarcerated women's views and satisfaction on their detention conditions in the female prison of Attica.
Methods:A cross-sectional survey was carried out in 2014. A semi-structured questionnaire was distributed to those who met the inclusion criteria and were enrolled in the study. Inmates who were in solitary confinement, suffered from serious psychiatric problems, or were unable to understand the Greek language were excluded from the study. Participation was voluntary after prisoners' verbal consent. Data were collected via personal interviews and information received was anonymized. Descriptive statistics, bivariate analysis, Spearman correlation coefficient and qualitative content analyses were used. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 20.Results: Of a total of 135 incarcerated women, 101 were eligible and accepted to participate in the study. Current mental and health status were rated as poor/ very poor by 55% and 27.7% of the participants, respectively. The vast majority stated their dissatisfaction with the accommodation, the cleanliness, as well as the provided nutrition inside the prison. 65% participated in social reintegration programs and 66% in physical exercise. 73.3% declared that the main reason of their worries was the relationship with their family members and 37.6% stated that there was support in family problems during incarceration. The overall satisfaction on detention conditions regarding prisoner's daily life was also rated as low by 67.3%. In addition, the results confirmed a positive linear relationship between satisfaction on detention conditions and health/mental health status.
Conclusion:Incarcerated women in the female prison of Attica appear not to be satisfied with the experienced detentions conditions that are associated with their health status. Our findings should encourage further research in order to introduce more effective interventions aiming at improving prisoner's daily life and future after release.