The role of dietary intake and antioxidants on the prevention and management of chronic diseases merits special interest, based on data in current medical literature. 1-8 Elevated dietary intake and plasma levels of alfa-tocopherol, carotenoids, and vitamin C can contribute to decreased risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and all mortality rates. 1 Some authors agree with recommendations to increase fruit and vegetable intake, but not with use of antioxidant supplements for the prevention of chronic disease. 1 The effect of egg consumption on adult blood pressure levels is still not clear, 2 and there are reports of inverse association between dairy intake and hypertension. 3 A high prevalence of malnutrition in people with esophageal cancer has recently been detected, 4 and the health benefits of walnut intake and its satiating action are not totally known. 5 Additional research, mainly longitudinal studies, is necessary to establish whether some kinds of dietary intervention could significantly improve the occurrence of daytime sleepiness. 6 There