The Weberian apparatus of otophysan fishes confers acute hearing that is hypothesized to allow these fishes to assess the environment and to find food resources. The otophysan family Serrasalmidae (piranhas and pacus) includes species known to feed on falling fruits and seeds (frugivore/granivores) that splash in rivers, herbivorous species associated with torrents and rapids (rheophiles), and carnivores that feed aggressively within shoals. Relevant sound stimuli may vary among these ecological groups and hearing may be tuned to different cues among species.In this context, we examined size variation of the Weberian ossicles, swim bladder chambers, and otoliths of 20 serrasalmid species from three broad feeding ecologies: frugivore/granivores, rheophiles, and carnivores. We performed 3D-reconstructions of high resolution tomographic data (μCT) from 54 museum specimens to estimate the size of these elements. We then tested for an ecology effect on covariation of auditory structure size and body size and accounted for phylogeny with phylogenetic generalized least squares analyses. Among ecological groups, we observed differences in relative sizes of otoliths associated with sound pressure and particle motion detection, and variation in Weberian ossicle size that may impact sound transmission.Rheophiles, which live in noisy environments, possess the strongest modifications of these structures.
K E Y W O R D Sasteriscus, intercalarium, lapillus, sagitta, scaphium, tripus