A 15-year-old girl presented with progressive deterioration in vision and hearing over 1 week. A huge spleen was palpated below the left costal margin laying down to inguinal region. Blood count showed hyperleukocytosis with a white blood cell count of 455 × 10(9)/l. Peripheral smear yielded myeloid precursor cells with basophilia. Bone marrow aspiration revealed a blast count of 5% morphologically and 4% by flow cytometry. Fundoscopic examination revealed bilateral retinal exudates, edema and hemorhages. Partial sensorioneural hearing loss was also detected on the right ear. The diagnosis of chronic myeloid leukemia was confirmed by positive t(9;22) by RT-PCR. After commencing on hydroxyurea and intrathecal methotrexate-prednisolone, progressive improvement in hearing and vision was obtained. In our brief report, we aimed to emphasize rare presentation with visual and hearing impairment of chronic myeloid leukemia during childhood, especially in "chronic phase".