Traditional vegetable salad or "ulam" are shown to have beneficial properties for health maintenance and should be further studied and used as a source of food as well as medicine. Apparently, the fern species are highlighted common plants that have been consumed as traditional vegetable all around Borneo, especially Stenochlaena palustris or locally known as "lemiding" (Brunei), "lambiding" (Sabah), "midin" (Sarawak), and "kalakai" (Kalimantan). Stenochlaena palustris was also studied for its phenolic contents and antioxidant properties. The extract of the edible young sterile frond of Stenochlaena palustris contained more anthocyanins (51.32 mg/100 g dry matter) compared to extracts of mature sterile, young fertile, and mature fertile fronds of the fern. The Penan people also used Stenochlaena palustris as herbal medicine to reduce high fever and served it to new mothers during the postpartum recovery period. Other fern species that have been cited used in Borneo are Diplazium esculentum, Nephrolepis acutifolia, and Nephrolepis bisserata. Fruit of Solanum torvum, leaves of Cosmos caudatus, the flower buds of Etlingera spp., young shoot of bamboo species, and banana inflorescence have been consumed as traditional vegetable in many parts of Borneo, the preparation being either fresh or used as a condiment in cooking. In previous literature also noted that seaweeds namely Kappahycus alvarezzii and Eucheuma denticulatum, as well as mushrooms like Termitomyces aurantiacus, have also been administered as traditional vegetable. It is scientifically shown that traditional vegetable from Borneo have potential as food that could bring health benefit to the consumer, especially in preventing oxidative damage related diseases, microbial infection, and metabolic disorder such as diabetes. Innovation on consumption method of traditional vegetable also suggested, for example, the traditional vegetable be developed into natural food products and food additive, e.g. herbal teas, essential oil.