Background-Elevated neurohumoral activity and an abnormal cardiopulmonary response to exercise are well-established characteristics in patients after the Fontan operation. However, there have been few studies addressing cardiac autonomic nervous activity (CANA) in these patients. Methods and Results-We evaluated CANA in 63 post-Fontan patients and 44 controls. Cardiac parasympathetic nervous activity (PSNA) was estimated by heart rate (HR) changes after cholinergic blockade, HR variability, and arterial baroreflex sensitivity. Cardiac sympathetic nervous activity was estimated by the heart to mediastinum [ 123 I]metaiodobenzylguanidine activity ratio (H/M) and the HR increase (⌬HR) after isoproterenol infusion (). ⌬HR and peak oxygen uptake (V O 2 ) were measured by exercise test. There was no difference in  between the Fontan group and controls. PSNA and H/M were markedly lower than in controls (PϽ0.001). PSNA and  were related to ⌬HR (PϽ0.05); however, peak V O 2 was not correlated with ⌬HR. Neither PSNA nor H/M was associated with clinical features, including hemodynamics, type of repair, number of surgical procedures, age at Fontan operation, or follow-up period, and administration of an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor did not improve the impaired CANA in these patients. Conclusions-After the Fontan procedure, postsynaptic -sensitivity is maintained and is important in ⌬HR during exercise as is PSNA, although ⌬HR does not determine exercise capacity. Key Words: heart defects, congenital Ⅲ nervous system, autonomic Ⅲ exercise Ⅲ heart rate Ⅲ Fontan procedure A bnormal hemodynamics, such as elevated systemic venous pressure and low cardiac output, causes an abnormal cardiorespiratory response to exercise, reduced exercise capacity, 1,2 and increased neurohumoral activity. 3,4 However, the influence of the Fontan operation on cardiac autonomic nervous activity (CANA) has never been evaluated precisely, although its abnormality can be anticipated because of the impaired heart rate (HR) response during exercise as observed after right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction. 5 We hypothesized that the type of surgical procedure influenced CANA in these patients and that they would have a significantly impaired CANA without subsequent improvement because of the palliative nature of the Fontan circulation. We also evaluated the influence of an angiotensinconverting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI), which improves HR variability (HRV) and the prognosis of patients with chronic heart failure, 6,7 on CANA in these patients.
SubjectsWe studied 63 patients after the Fontan operation and 44 controls. Of the Fontan patients, a total cavopulmonary connection (TCPC) was created in 45 and an atriopulmonary connection (APC) in 18 (Table 1). Medications included digoxin (nϭ13), diuretics (nϭ31), and antiplatelet agents (nϭ31), and 4 were taking ACEIs. No patients were receiving chronotropic or antiarrhythmic medications, and 5 patients with significant arrhythmias, such as junctional rhythm or ventricular tachycard...