Chronic pain is a phenomenon in which the biological sensations of pain interact synergistically with an individual's cultural world. Considerable anthropological work has been done on the senses and on the anthropology of chronic pain. Less attention has been given to the sensations of chronic pain, how they can escalate to suffering, and how they may be managed in daily life to enable well-being. To develop an integrated understanding of chronic pain processes, we worked as a collaborative research team that included a patient coauthor. Together we synthesized a model that outlines the biological pathways of pain while taking into account the cultural factors that can magnify pain into arcs of suffering or temper pain toward arcs of well-being.Drawing on scholarly literature, long-term ethnographic research, and personal experience with autoimmune disease, we propose a dynamic model of the moment-to-moment arcs that maintain, magnify, or temper pain.[pain, suffering, well-being, autoimmune disease, and systems model] Spanish abstract: El dolor crónico es un fenómeno en el que las sensaciones biológicas del dolor son sinérgicamente interactivas con el mundo cultural del individuo. Ha sido mucho trabajo antropológico en los sentidos y la antropología del dolor crónico. Menos atención ha prestado a las sensaciones del dolor crónico, su crecimiento a sufrimiento y cómo estas sensaciones pueden ser manejadas en la vida cotidiana para facilitar el bienestar. El desarrollo de un entendimiento integrativo de los procesos del dolor crónico exigió un equipo de investigación integrativo y colaborativo, lo que incluyó un paciente como coautor. Juntos, resumimos un modelo que esboza las vías biológicas del dolor mientras abarcando los factores culturales que amplifican el dolor a ciclos de retroalimentación de sufrimiento o, alternativamente, templan el dolor a ciclos de retroalimentación de bienestar. Con el apoyo de literatura académica, investigaciones en etnografía prolongadas y experiencia personal de enfermedades autoinmunitarias, propongamos un modelo dinámico de ciclos de retroalimentación instantáneos que mantienen, magnifican otemplan el dolor. [dolor, sufrimiento, bienestar, enfermedad autoinmune, modelo sistemático] On good days, Kerby's pain and related physical limitations are manageable. On bad days, getting out of bed and putting on clothes is profoundly difficult, if not impossible. For Kerby and many others with autoimmune-related chronic pain, pain itself is an unreliable warning sign, like a smoke alarm that is always ringing. Kerby has learned to recognize the contours of his pain sensations as a more reliable indicator of his current condition, and the sensations he will likely feel in the immediate future. For Kerby, pain has been a regular companion since his childhood in the 1960s. He has learned to mitigate the pain through practices including