Active infection in the recipient is considered a relative contraindication for solid organ transplantation. However, heart transplantation (HT) can be curative in patients with ventricular assist device infections. For patients with infective endocarditis (IE), valve replacement is part of the management strategy based on emergent, acute, or elective indications. HT has been utilized as an uncommon and sporadic treatment option for carefully selected patients with refractory or recurrent IE after all other surgical treatment options have been exhausted or are not feasible. Herein, we review 19 published cases of IE in whom HT was undertaken in the setting of ongoing active infection with reported good outcomes. We attempt to propose general criteria for HT in the setting of IE and discuss challenges and hurdles that clinicians might encounter when considering HT for active IE in the absence of robust data or clearly defined criteria. K E Y W O R D S endocarditis, heart, transplant, transplantation, ventricular assist device Number Reference Pathogen at time of HT Prior pathogens Prior valve culture Antimicrobial treatment for IE pre-HT Blood cultures at HT Peripheral embolic sites of infection Duration of antimicrobial treatment pre-HT (Approx.) Pathology of explanted heart Explanted heart culture Antimicrobials post-HT Duration antimicrobial treatment post-HT