In this article, we study localizations of hearts of cotorsion pairs (U , V) where U is rigid on an extriangulated category B. The hearts of such cotorsion pairs are equivalent to the functor categories over the stable category of U (mod U ). Inspired by Marsh and Palu [MP], we consider the mutation (in the sense of [IY]) of U that induces a cotorsion pair (U ′ , V ′ ). Generally speaking, the hearts of (U , V) and (U ′ , V ′ ) are not equivalent to each other, but we will give a generalized pseudo-Morita equivalence between certain localizations of their hearts. Definition 1.2. Let B ′ , B ′′ be two subcategories of B, let Cone(B ′ , B ′′ ) = {X ∈ B | X admits a conflation B ′ B ′′ ։ X, B ′ ∈ B ′ , B ′′ ∈ B ′′ }, CoCone(B ′ , B ′′ ) = {X ∈ B | X admits a conflation X B ′ ։ B ′′ , B ′ ∈ B ′ , B ′′ ∈ B ′′ }.