This study conducts a numerical investigation into the three-dimensional film boiling of liquid under the influence of external magnetic fields. The numerical method incorporates a sharp phase-change model based on the volume-of-fluid approach to track the liquid–vapour interface. Additionally, a consistent and conservative scheme is employed to calculate the induced current densities and electromagnetic forces. We investigate the magnetohydrodynamic effects on film boiling, particularly examining the pattern transition of the vapour bubble and the evolution of heat transfer characteristics, exposed to either a vertical or horizontal magnetic field. In single-mode scenarios, film boiling under a vertical magnetic field displays an isotropic flow structure, forming a columnar vapour jet at higher magnetic field intensities. In contrast, horizontal magnetic fields result in anisotropic flow, creating a two-dimensional vapour sheet as the magnetic strength increases. In multi-mode scenarios, the patterns observed in single-mode film boiling persist, with the interaction of vapour bubbles introducing additional complexity to the magnetohydrodynamic flow. More importantly, our comprehensive analysis reveals how and why distinct boiling effects are generated by various orientations of magnetic fields, which induce directional electromagnetic forces to suppress flow vortices within the cross-sectional plane.