NOTATION C = dimensionless velocities of the dispersion waves = area available for heat transfer between gas and solid = concentration (normalized with respect to unit con-= heat capacities of fluid and solid, respectively = particle diameter = dispersion coefficient = axial and radial dispersion coefficients, respectively = Peclet number = ud/D = time variable = temperature = interstitial velocity = heat transfer coefficient between gas and solid = volume of a cell (in cell model) = distance coordinate = dimensionless distance coordinate = dimensionless time coordinate phases in a packed bed centration) Greek Letters € = voidage of the packed bed 7 , A, p = see Equations (5) and (6) Y = length of a cell pf, ps = densities of fluid and solid, respectively e = residence time in a cell 7 = fraction of the total residence time which the fluid spends in the plug flow section of a cell