Molar heat capacities of 13 methyl esters of the linear carboxylic acids from methyl octanoate to methyl eicosanoate were measured from 5 K to 350 K. The derived thermodynamic functions S abs,m (T) and H m (T) -H(0) were calculated. A correlation function for the absolute entropy at 298.15 K was found to be S abs (n,298.15 K) ) {215.94 + 31.517n} J‚K -1 ‚mol -1 , with n being the number of carbon atoms in the parent carboxylic acid minus one. The heat capacity of the liquid phases in the temperature range of 250 K to 350 K can be described by C p (n,T) ) {103.16 + 16.273n + 0.04735n(T/K)} J‚K -1 ‚mol -1 , with a mean absolute percentage deviation of 0.3%.