Abstract. A high order, deterministic direct numerical method is proposed for the nonrelativistic 2Dx × 3Dv Vlasov-Maxwell system, coupled with Fokker-Planck-Landau type operators. Such a system is devoted to the modelling of electronic transport and energy deposition in the general frame of Inertial Confinement Fusion applications. It describes the kinetics of plasma physics in the nonlocal thermodynamic equilibrium regime. Strong numerical constraints lead us to develop specific methods and approaches for validation, that might be used in other fields where couplings between equations, multiscale physics, and high dimensionality are involved. Parallelisation (MPI communication standard) and fast algorithms such as the multigrid method are employed, that make this direct approach be computationally affordable for simulations of hundreds of picoseconds, when dealing with configurations that present five dimensions in phase space.