A M o d ifie d C o n ju g a te G ra d ie n t M e th o d fo r T ra n s ie n t N o n lin e a rIn v e rs e H e a t C o nduction P ro b le m s : A C ase S tudy fo r Id e n tify in g T e m p e ra tu re -D e p e n d e n t T h e rm a l C o n d u c tiv itie s Despite numerous studies of conjugate gradient methods (CGMs), the "sensitivity prob lem" and the "adjoint problem" are inevitable for nonlinear inverse heat conduction problems (IHCPs), which are accompanied by some assumptions and complicated differ entiating processes. In this paper, a modified CGM (MCGM) is presented for the solution o f a specified transient nonlinear IHCP, to recover temperature-dependent thermal con ductivities for a case study. By introducing the complex-variable-differentiation method (CVDM) for sensitivity analysis, the sensitivity problem and the adjoint problem are cir cumvented. Five test examples are given to validate and assess the performance of the MCGM.
Model DescriptionTo illustrate the methodology of the inverse algorithm proposed in this work, a case study for identifying temperature-dependent thermal conductivities is presented below.