The heat of oxid ation of aqueous s ulfur diox ide ,,·it h gaseolls c hlorin e has be(, 11 deLermil1 ed by calorimetric m ethods. Thc results cOl"t"cspond to thc reaction:Cl,(g)+ SO ,·2500 H 20 + 2502 H ,O = I-I 2SO,·25 00 FLO + 2 (H CI1250 H 20 ), 6H(25 dc) = -77.28 ± 0.14 kcal / mole. Thc h eat of form ation of aqlleo us s ulfuric ac id (ill 2500 moles of lI"atcr) has becn calculated t o be -21:3.92 kca l/ moic .
. Introduction.. An investigation or t h e heats of solu Lion an d c, oxidlttion or sulfur dioxide to sulfuric acid /" bromine as the oxi.dizin g s ubstance wa s recc ntly mad e n,L the U niversity of Lund, S weden [1]. 2 Altho ugh Lhe data on the hetlLs of solution or sulfur \ dioxide were in subs tn,nLi,\l agree ment with tlte prc-( vious datft [2] Lhe cH.lculatecl h ea L or formation of j s uUuric ftcid clifrerecl by ftpproximaLcly 0 .3 kenl/ mol e from t L te resulLs obtain ed in sevcmL r ecell L c!eLcl"-;: mination s [:3. 4, 5, 6J. Becau se the heaL of forlllaLion or s uUuric a,cid sec ms to be well s ubsta ntiaLed it. see med probn,ble that the di scr epan cy mu sL be ntt ribuLed Lo the data on thc h eat or for ma tion of hydrobromic ariel. It see med des irable, ther eforc, Lo , ma,ke a new clctcrminfttion oC Lh e h eaL or oxidaLion , of sulf"ur dioxide using chlorin e as 1 he oxidizi ng agc n t. "( The combin ed data would b e indiC'i1tive or tile consistency between Lhe data on hydro chlori c <1,lld hyclro-( bromi c ac id as well as that bet ween Lite ch1,ta on sulCul' dioxide and sulf"uric acid. An error or 0.15 ]ccc1,1/mole in the h eat of formation of hy drobromic acid could acco ull t ror the apparently high value obtained for I tlte heat or formation of sulfuric acid obtained from ... the h eat or oxidation of sulfur dioxide with bromine.
. Thiosulfate SolutionThe 0.05 N sodiulll thiosulfatc soluLion wa s prepH.l"ecl by adding 25 g of re,1,ge n L-grade sod ium Lhiosulfate p en La hy dmte and 0.2 g of sodium carbonate to 2 li ters of water. The concentn1Lioll or . the soluLion WU i'\ determilled by companson with li te 0.1 N ioeLi ne solution .
. Sulfur Dioxide Solutioni\. mass-specLrometri c an alysis 01" the grtseous s ull"ur dioxide W,lS perform ed by E. E. Hu ghes or lIlC Applied An aly tical ResC