This document, volume 2, provides a key to much thermodynamic and related literature for refractories of interest. A bibliography (section VIII) and subject or property file (section IX) are included herein. The present bibliography has been utilized in the work reported in volume 1 (Discussion) and volume 2 (Thermodynamic Tables).Basically, the present bibliography has been compiled by finding pertinent references for 35 elements, and their borides, carbides, nitrides, and oxides. The elements of interest include: beryllium,The manner of compiling this bibliography has been described in section IIB of volume 1. For complete information, that section should be consulted. Many abstracting sources have been utilized. The literature available through October 1963 Chemical Abstracts has been included herein.The authors are well aware of many deficiencies of the present work, and no claim is made for completeness. An earlier bibliography* can be consulted for further references. There may be a small amount of duplication of that earlier work by this work, but in general this is not expected to be too large.The references cited in this bibliography may often contain data of a nonthermodynamic nature. However, if it appeared that the article might provide useful complementary material» it was included. Also» in some cases, data for compounds of not immediate interest have been included because of their relationships to com pounds which are of interest.It is felt that the present bibliography can provide a good basis for the investiga tion of thermodynamic properties of the given compounds.However, the care ful worker who wants a very complete bibliography must expect to delve deeper by further cross referencing, by usage of abstract indexes, etc. For example, in the analyses of volume 1, many references have been discovered which are not in the bibliography.