1. Ca2+-dependent phosphorylation of the myosin regulatory light chain (MRLC) initiates cross-bridge cycling and contraction in smooth muscle. A four-state cross-bridge model, in which Ca2+-dependent phosphorylation is the only proposed regulatory mechanism, can predict the mechanical output of the swine carotid media. Our aims were to determine whether ATP consumption rates and the economy of force maintenance are regulated functions of MRLC phosphorylation as predicted by the model. 2. Steady-state force and oxygen consumption were measured in medial rings of swine carotid arteries activated with depolarizing solutions and agents capable of maintaining a wide range of steady-state myoplasmic Ca2+ and MRLC phosphorylation levels. 3. Suprabasal ATP consumption increased almost linearly with MRLC phosphorylation and exhibited a hyperbolic increase with active stress, as predicted. 4. The economy of stress maintenance fell with increases in suprabasal phosphorylation. 5. In absolute terms the energetic cost of covalent regulation by cross-bridge phosphorylation was small, although it may be a significant fraction of the ATP consumption associated with contraction.Recognition that some vascular smooth muscles can maintain force with ATP consumption rates more than 300-fold lower than vertebrate striated muscle is almost a century old (Paul, 1980(Paul, , 1983. Nevertheless, insights into how smooth muscle accomplishes this with the same molecular motor as striated muscle that involves cyclical interactions between the myosin cross-bridges and actin in the thin filaments is quite recent. Two differences between striated and smooth muscles affecting ATP consumption are (i) the expression of myosin isoforms with intrinsically slow turnover rates, and (ii) the presence of a covalent regulatory mechanism determining cross-bridge attachment and cycling in smooth muscle.Regulation involves Ca2+-dependent phosphorylation of the myosin regulatory light chains (MRLC) by myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) and subsequent dephosphorylation by myosin light chain phosphatase (MLCP) (Paul, 1987;Hartshorne, 1987;Murphy, 1994). Assuming that both free and attached cross-bridges may serve as substrates for MLCK and MLCP, covalent regulation of cross-bridges allows for both free and attached cross-bridges to be phosphorylated or dephosphorylated, yielding four crossbridge states (Fig. 1A) (Murphy, 1994).The four-state cross-bridge model suffices to explain the relationships between force, shortening velocity and MRLC phosphorylation in the swine carotid media stimulated by depolarization, neurotransmitters or hormones (Hai & Murphy, 1988a, b). The model predicts a hyperbolic dependence of stress on MRLC phosphorylation, where the stress generation is attributed to two forcegenerating cross-bridge states: a phosphorylated slowly cycling state (AMp) and an even slower cycle, described by the enzymatic rate constants of the model k1, k3, k5 and k7, incorporating an unphosphorylated 'latch-bridge' state (AM) (Fig. 1A). When Ca2+ and MRLC pho...