pipe wall temperature at points of attachment of bundles from body i in K; Twn pipe wall temperature at point of attachment for bundle n in K; (oi) n and o i thermal conductivities of bundle n and all bundles from body i in W/K; oij thermal conductivity between bodies i and j in W/K; Oci, oZ, Ocw thermal conductivities from case to body i and total and radiative conductivities from case to pipe in W/K; ~c convective heat-transfer coefficient between pipe and coolant in W/m2"K; ~r radiative heat-transfer coefficient between case and pipe in W/m2-K; pipe material thermal conductivity in W/m.K; c specific heat of helium at constant pressure in J/kg'K; q and qr correspondingly densities of the total heat flux and radiative flux to the pipe in W/m2; Pr heat flux along bundle r in W; M coolant mass flow rate in kg/sec; F tube cross section area in m2; S i and S o inside and outside surface areas of pipe in m2; L pipe length in m; x = x/L relative coordinate along pipe axis; x r relative coordinate for bundle r attachment; R total number of bundles; N i number of bundles cooling body i; Ji number of bodies linked by heat bridges to body i; ~i relative error in calculating the temperature of body i by comparison with numerical result in %; ~w mean relative error in heat exchanger temperature calculated numerically by comparison with temperature from (4) taken at ten equally separated points in %; ~(X--~r) Dirac function. LITERATURE CITED i. M. Akamatsu, M. Taneda, Y. Ohtsu, et al., Adv. Cryog. Eng., 31, 559-566 (1986). 2. V. A. Romanenko, S. V. Tikhonov, S.