dimensionless temperature in the pellet, ( T -T , ) / T , geometry factor [Equation (51) 1 ~ I geometry factor [Equation (47) 1 dimensionless distance in the micropore, z / L ; f = 0 at pore mouth, E = 1 at end of pore apparent or bulk density of the catalyst material macro mass transfer parameter, defined by Equation (42) macro heat transfer parameter, defined by Equation (43) micro mass transfer parameter, defined by Equation (13) Thiele number, value of T, when r = r micro heat transfer parameter, defined by Equation (14) T2/V?'2 ( a E,)'", defined by Equation (57) -Subscripts e = effective K = Knudsen I = linear case n = order of reaction o = conditions at the mouth of the micropore, that is conditions at the surface of the microporous particle s = conditions at the surface of the macropellet Superscripts G = Gaussian I = linear case M = Maxwellian T = Thiele Calculus Prime = differentiation ( j ) = evaluation at value of independent vaTiable = j LITERATURE CITED 1. Aris, Rutherford, Chem. Eng. Sci., 6, 265 (1957). Values of the effective thermal Conductivity Ke for liquids in packed beds have been obtained from heat transfer studies in such beds. The method applied by Yagi and Kunii for gases is clarified, their model is extended and is then applied to liquids. Experimental data for three different packings, glass, steel, and aluminum, with spheres of DP/DT ratio from 0.07 to 0.33 have been correlated. A brief comparison of the results from this analysis with previously published results from similar studies is presented.