Next generation cars embed intelligent assessment of car driving safety through innovative solutions often based on usage of artificial intelligence. The safety driving monitoring can be carried out using several methodologies widely treated in scientific literature. In this context, the author proposes an innovative approach that uses ad-hoc bio-sensing system suitable to reconstruct the physio-based attentional status of the car driver. To reconstruct the car driver physiological status, the author proposed the use of a bio-sensing probe consisting of a coupled LEDs at Near infra-Red (NiR) spectrum with a photodetector. This probe placed over the monitored subject allows to detect a physiological signal called PhotoPlethysmoGraphy (PPG). The PPG signal formation is regulated by the change in oxygenated and non-oxygenated hemoglobin concentration in the monitored subject's bloodstream which will be directly connected to cardiac activity in turn regulated by the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) that characterizes the subject's attention level. This so designed car driver drowsiness monitoring will be combined with further driving safety assessment based on correlated intelligent driving scenario understanding.