A calorimetric study has been made of the heats of CO reaction with the monomeric haemoglobins of Chironornus thummi thummi I11 and IV as a function of pH. The number of Bohr protons released at pH 7.1 was determined from heats of reaction in different buffers as 0.19 and 0.31 mol H+/mol CO for haemoglobin I11 and IV respectively. The heat of the Bohr ionization process was found to be 6 and 8 kcal/mol H' (25 and 34 kJ/mol) for the haemoglobins 111 and IV. These values are consistent with values found for histidine groups. A pH-independent part of the reaction enthalpy was determined as -19.7 kcal/mol CO (-82.4 kJ/mol). The same reaction with myoglobin is less exothermic. From the combination of AGO and A H o values TASo values have been calculated. It was found for both haemoglobins that the entropy of reaction is greater by 2 cal K-' mol-' (8.4 J K-' mol-') at pH 9.5 as compared to pH 6.0.The Bohr effect discovered in two monomeric haemoglobins of Chironomus thummi thummi [l, 21 shows that linked functions [3] or allosteric effects can exist in monomeric proteins. The pH dependence of the measured equilibrium half-saturation pressure was also found to depend upon the particular ligand (0, or CO) involved in the reaction to the haem [4]. The largest effect was noted for oxygen. In this protein the Bohr proton ionization site has been identified by nuclear magnetic resonance as a single histidine [4,5]. The X-ray structural studies by Huber et al. [6,7] and the results of chemical shifts observed by nuclear magnetic resonance [5] indicate that this histidine forms a salt bridge with the C-terminal carboxyl group of methionine-H22. The distance between the Bohr proton site and the iron of the haem group is about 1.5 nm. At low pH values the salt bridge is stabilized by the presence of the proton. Under these conditions the ligand affinity is found to be smaller than that at high pH values. The observed shift in pK value for the Bohr proton binding group, identified as histidine-G2, has been fully correlated to the pH dependence of the half-saturation pressure [4,5]. A suggested molecular mechanism for the long-range interaction between the ligand reaction and Bohr proton site depends upon the movement of the proximal histidine in Van der Waals contact with the C-terminal methionine residue [5].The structural and spectroscopic information obtained with these monomeric haemoglobins offer a unique opportunity to study the thermodynamic aspects of intra-chain allosterism. We have therefore carried out a series of direct calorimetric measurements on the CO binding reaction at different values of pH. The results add further quantitative confirmation to the previously noted Bohr effect. They also show that the heat of the Bohr proton release indicates the involvement of a histidine group.
Preparation of SamplesThe monomeric haemoglobins 111 and IV from Chironomus thummi thummi were prepared as described previously [5]. The lyophilized salt-frce material was dissolved in 0.2 M maleate, bis-Tris, o...