This paper is dedicated to Prof. Raymond U . Lemieux on the occasion of his 60th birthday SUZANNE R. MACAULAY. Can. J. Chem. 58, 2567Chem. 58, (1980. Isomerization of straight chain decyn-1-01s mediated by the sodium salt of 1,3-diaminopropane was studied as a function of time, temperature, and the initial position of the triple bond. At 50°C 9-decyn-1-01, the thermodynamically favoured isomer, was formed rapidly regardless of the initial position of the triple bond. At lower temperatures the appearance of intermediate isomers was observed. The homopropargylic isomer was found to be remarkably stable, and under suitable conditions, conversion of 2-to 3-decyn-1-01 was carried out in 68% isolated yield. SUZANNER. MACAULAY. Can. J. Chem. 58, 2567Chem. 58, (1980. On a etudie I'isom~risation des decynols-1 achaine linkaire en presence d'un sel de sodium du diamino-1,3 propane, en fonction du temps, de la temperature et de la position initiale de la triple liaison. A 50"C, I'isombre thermodynamiquement favorise, le dCcyn-9 01-I, se forme rapidement indkpendamment de la position de la triple liaison. A des tempkratures plus basses on observe la formation d'un isombre intermediaire. On a trouvk que I'isombre homopropargylique est remarquablement stable et dans des conditions convenables la transformation du decyn-2 01-1 en decyn-3 01-1 se fait avec un rendement de 68%.[Traduit par le journal] I