We study the semileptonic decays of the lowest lying double heavy baryons using the relativistic three-quark model. We do not employ a heavy quark mass expansion but keep the masses of the heavy quarks and baryons finite. We calculate all relevant form factors and decay rates.Key words: Heavy baryons, semileptonic decays, relativistic quark models. PACS: 13.30.Ce, 12.39. Ki, 12.38.Lg, 14.20.Lq, 14.20.Mr The semileptonic decays of heavy mesons and baryons are ideally suited to extract the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix elements. The heaviest flavored bottom-charm B c -meson was observed by the CDF Collaboration [1] in the analysis of the decay mode B c → J/ψlν. The discovery of the B c -meson raises hopes that double heavy flavored baryons will also be discovered in the near future. The theoretical treatment of the systems with two heavy quarks is complicated by the fact that one cannot make use of an expansion in terms of the inverse heavy quark masses. Previously, nonrelativistic potential models, diquark approximation, QCD sum rules and nonrelativistic QCD have been used to describe the spectroscopy of double heavy baryons and to estimate the inclusive and some exclusive decay modes of such systems (for review, see [2]-[4] and references therein).In [5] we have studied the semileptonic decays of the double heavy B c -meson within a relativistic constituent quark model. The relativistic constituent qu-