One of the greatest challenges to Landau's Fermi liquid theory-the standard theory of metals-is presented by complex materials with strong electronic correlations. In these materials, non-Fermi liquid transport and thermodynamic properties are often explained by the presence of a continuous quantum phase transition that happens at a quantum critical point (QCP). A QCP can be revealed by applying pressure, magnetic field, or changing the chemical composition. In the heavy-fermion compound CeCoIn 5 , the QCP is assumed to play a decisive role in defining the microscopic structure of both normal and superconducting states. However, the question of whether a QCP must be present in the material's phase diagram to induce nonFermi liquid behavior and trigger superconductivity remains open. Here, we show that the full suppression of the field-induced QCP in CeCoIn 5 by doping with Yb has surprisingly little impact on both unconventional superconductivity and non-Fermi liquid behavior. This implies that the non-Fermi liquid metallic behavior could be a new state of matter in its own right rather than a consequence of the underlying quantum phase transition.Kondo lattice | Kondo breakdown | gyromagnetic factor | composite pairing T he heavy-fermion material CeCoIn 5 is a prototypical system in which strong interactions between conduction and predominantly localized f electrons give rise to a number of remarkable physical phenomena (1, 2). Unconventional superconductivity (SC) emerges in CeCoIn 5 out of a metallic state with non-Fermi liquid (NFL) properties: linear temperature dependence of resistivity below 20 K, logarithmic temperature dependence of the Sommerfeld coefficient, and divergence of low-temperature magnetic susceptibility (3-6). These anomalies disappear beyond a critical value of the magnetic field and the system recovers its Fermi liquid properties. The crossover from NFL to Fermi liquid behavior is thought to be governed by a quantum critical point (QCP), which separates paramagnetic and antiferromagnetic (AFM) phases and is located in the superconducting phase (7,8). Neutron-scattering studies (9) and more recent measurements of the vortex-core dissipation through current-voltage characteristics (10) provide direct evidence for an AFM QCP in CeCoIn 5 that could be accessed by tuning the system via magnetic field or pressure.Nevertheless, a growing number of f-electron systems do not conform with this QCP scenario; for example, the NFL behavior and/or SC in some systems occurs in the absence of an obvious QCP (11)(12)(13)(14). An intriguing candidate is the alloy Yb-doped CeCoIn 5 that exhibits an unconventional T − x phase diagram without an apparent QCP, whereas the onset of coherence in the Kondo lattice and the superconducting transition temperature T c are only weakly dependent on Yb concentration and prevail for doping up to x = 0:65 (15). However, the presence of a QCP in the parent CeCoIn 5 compound and the logarithmic temperature dependence of the normal state Sommerfeld coefficient in lightly do...