The electrical and structural characteristics of SmTiO 3 /SrTiO 3 /SmTiO 3 and GdTiO 3 /SrTiO 3 /GdTiO 3 heterostructures are compared. Both types of structures contain narrow SrTiO 3 quantum wells, which accommodate a confined, high-density electron gas. As shown previously [Phys. Rev. B 86, 201102(R) (2012)] SrTiO 3 quantum wells embedded in GdTiO 3 show a metal-to-insulator transition when their thickness is reduced so that they contain only two SrO layers. In contrast, quantum wells embedded in SmTiO 3 remain metallic down to a single SrO layer thickness. Symmetry-lowering structural distortions, measured by quantifying the Sr-column displacements, are present in the insulating quantum wells, but are either absent or very weak in all metallic quantum wells, independent of whether they are embedded in SmTiO 3 or in GdTiO 3 . We discuss the role of orthorhombic distortions, orbital ordering, and strong electron correlations in the transition to the insulating state.3