Following our earlier finding based on RHIC data on the dominant jet production from nucleus corona region, we reconsider this effect in nucleus-nucleus collisions at LHC energies. Our hypothesis was based on experimental data, which raised the idea of a finite formation time for the produced medium. At RHIC energy and in low density corona region this time reaches about 2 fm/c. Following this hypothesis, the nuclear modification factor RAA at high pt should be independent on particle momentum, and the azimuthal anisotropy of high pt particles, v2, should be finite. A separate prediction held that, at LHC energy, the formation time in the corona region should be about 1 fm/c. New data at LHC show that RAA is not flat and is rising with pt. We add to our original hypothesis an assumption that a fast parton traversing the produced medium loses the fixed portion of its energy. A shift of about 7 GeV from the original power law p −6 production cross section in pp explains well all the observed RAA dependencies. The shift of about 7 GeV is also valid at RHIC energy. We also show that the observed at LHC dependence of v2 at high pt and our previous predictions agree.Over the last 17 years of relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions at RHIC and LHC, a set of observables was found which confirms the formation of high energy and high density matter. Among these features are the strong jet suppression manifested in particle suppression at high transverse momentum, p t , and large particle anisotropy. There is also a long list of models and theoretical assumptions to explain these effects. In our view, when one talks about jet suppression, a significant effect of particle production from the nucleus corona region is often ignored or underestimated. In a previous publication based purely on experimental data at RHIC, a simple model was proposed [1] to explain the angular dependence in the reaction plane of the nuclear modification factor R AA . The model nicely described the centrality and azimuthal dependence (or factor v 2 for high p t ) of R AA at RHIC energy. In the model, there is one free parameter of about 2.3 fm/c which was interpreted as plasma formation time at the low density corona region. The physical meaning of this parameter is that fast partons have roughly this time to escape from the produced medium and, theafter, they are absorbed by the absolutely opaque central region. This value of T 0 =2.3 fm/c is not "crazy large" because the number of nuclear collisions, N coll , near corona region is rather small, but it should be less than 0.8 fm/c in the core region of the produced matter [2]. Time, necessary to form the strongly interacting colored matter, should be proportional to the mean distance between the interaction or collision points with a color exchange. This distance, itself, should be inversely proportional to the square root of the density of such interactions. The 1) e-mail: picture in some sense is similar to the percolation scenario [3]. If the density of N coll in x−y plane of col...