Inductive methods, such as electromagnetic steam-assisted gravity drainage (EM-SAGD), have been identified as technically and economically feasible recovery methods for shallow oil-sands reservoirs with overburdens of more than 30 m (Koolman et al. 2008). However, in EM-SAGD projects, the caprock overlying oil-sands reservoirs is also electromagnetically heated along with the bitumen reservoir. Because permeability is low in Alberta thermal-project caprock formations (i.e., the Clearwater shale formation in the Athabasca deposit and the Colorado shale formation in the Cold Lake deposit), the pore pressure resulting from the thermal expansion of pore fluids may not be balanced with the fluid loss caused by flow and the fluid-volume changes resulting from pore dilation. In extreme cases, the water boils, and the pore pressure increases dramatically as a result of the phase change in the water, which causes profound effective-stress reduction. After this condition is established, pore pressure increases can lead to shear failure of the caprock, the creation of microcracks and hydraulic fractures, and subsequent caprock integrity failure. It is typically believed that low-permeability caprocks impede the transmission of pore pressure from the reservoir, making them more resistant to shear failure (Collins 2005(Collins , 2007. In cases of induced thermal pressurization, low-permeability caprocks are not always more resistant. In this study, analytical solutions are obtained for temperature and pore-pressure rises caused by the constant EM heating rate of the caprock. These analytical solutions show that pore-pressure increases from EM heating depend on the permeability and compressibility of the caprock formation. For stiff or low-compressibility media, thermal pressurization can cause fluid pressures to approach hydrostatic pressure, and shear strength to approach zero for low-cohesive-strength units of the caprock (units of the caprock with high silt and sand percentage) and sections of the caprock with pre-existing fractures with no cohesion.
IntroductionOf Canada's 179 billion bbl of oil reserves, Alberta's oil sand contains 170.4 billion bbl of those oil reserves (Government of Alberta 2011, 2012, and with the recent increase in demand, tremendous efforts are being made to develop bitumen reservoirs in the coming decades. SAGD is one successful thermal-recovery technique applied to the oil sands of Alberta, Canada. Approximately 80% of the oil sands are recoverable through in-situ production (i.e., they lie at a depth of 75 to 750 m with an average seam thickness of less than 20 m), with only 20% recoverable by mining (i.e., they lie at a depth of 75 m or less with an average seam thickness of 32 m) (Vermeulen and Chute 1983; Government of Alberta 2008).