our arithmetic analogues of connection and curvature. The theory will be presented in the framework of arbitrary (group) schemes. Chapter 4 specializes the theory in Chapter 3 to the case of the group scheme GL n ; here we prove, in particular, our main existence results for Ehresmann, Chern, Levi-Cività, and Lax connections respectively. Chapters 5, 6, 7, 8 are devoted to the in-depth analysis of these connections; in particular we prove here the existence of the analytic continuation between primes necessary to define curvature for these connections and we give our vanishing/nonvanishing results for these curvatures. In Chapter 5, we also take first steps towards a corresponding (arithmetic differential) Galois theory. The last Chapter 9 lists some of the natural problems, both technical and conceptual, that one faces in the further development of the theory. Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 should be read in a sequence (with Chapters 1 and 2 possibly skipped and consulted later as needed); Chapters 5, 6, 7, 8 depend on Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 but are essentially independent of each other. Chapter 9 can be read right after the Introduction. Cross references are organized in a series of sequences as follows. Sections are numbered in one sequence and will be referred to as "section x.y." Definitions, Theorems, Propositions, Lemmas, Remarks, and Examples are numbered in a separate sequence and are referred to as "Theorem x.y, Example x.y," etc. Finally equations are numbered in yet another separate sequence and are referred to simply as "x.y." For all three sequences x denotes the number of the chapter. Readership and prerequisites. The present book addresses graduate students and researchers interested in algebra, number theory, differential geometry, and the analogies between these fields. The only prerequisites are some familiarity with commutative algebra (cf., e.g., the Atiyah-MacDonald book [4] or, for more specialized material, Matsumura's book [103]) and with foundational scheme theoretic algebraic geometry (e.g., the first two chapters of Hartshorne's book [72]). The text also contains a series of remarks that assume familiarity with basic concepts of classical differential geometry (as presented in [89], for instance); but these remarks are not essential for the understanding of the book and can actually be skipped.