“…For studies of pension fund performance, see Ferson and Khang (2002); Lakonishok, Shleifer, and Vishny (1992); Coggin, Fabozzi, and Rahman (1993); Christopherson, Ferson, and Glassman (1998); Delguercio and Tkac (2002); Coggin and Trzcinka (2000); and Ikenberry, Shockley, and Womack (1998). In analyses of hedge funds, Ackermann, McEnally, and Ravenscraft (1999); Brown, Goetzmann, and Ibbotson (1999); Liang (1999); and Agrawal and Naik (2000) provide evidence of superior returns, though Amin and Kat (2003) argue that hedge fund performance results may be attributable to the skewed nature of hedge fund payoffs, which when appropriately accounted for, renders hedge fund performance unremarkable.…”