“…. to that of contradiction” (Deleuze, 1994, p. 170; see Somers‐Hall, 2022a, p. 212); moreover, Deleuze claims: “what is still missing is the extra‐propositional or sub‐representative element expressed in the Idea by the differential, precisely in the form of a problem” (Deleuze, 1994, p. 178; see Somers‐Hall, 2012, p. 177). According to Somers‐Hall, logic for Deleuze is not a matter of “‘what follows’ from a set of propositions,” but, rather, it “relates instead to determining, in a given situation, ‘which one’ of the implications will be brought to mind” (Somers‐Hall, 2022b, p. 407); in other words, logic for Deleuze, it would seem, has more to do with how the two levels interact in the thinking process, the dynamic of which presumably operating free from the limitations of any formalizable logic.…”