The global political system is undergoing a transition from a unipolar to a multipolar world. Scientific discussions are underway regarding the emergence or formation of new poles in the world, including the potential development of a pole through the integration structure of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). Attention is focused on the changing conditions of the global economy and their influence on the development strategies of regional integration associations. The necessity to adapt the development strategies of the EAEU to new trends, including the shift in the economic paradigm and the reassessment of the role of integration process participants, is argued.Aim. To justify strategies and approaches to building an economic pole based on the EAEU.Tasks. Examining various theoretical approaches to the concept of multipolarity, poles, and centers of power. Investigating interpretations of global and regional leadership. Analyzing the concept of regional leadership considering the role of the EAEU as an important element of the new world political and global economic system.Methods. Comparative analysis of vectors and development strategies of regional integration associations. The civilizational approach illuminates not only the key economic and political aspects of regional leadership but also the cultural and civilizational factors of regional integration. The deductive method and synthesis allowed for the formulation of new approaches to understanding the economic component of the EAEU pole.Results. It has been established that one of the possible and most effective ways to form the economic component of the EAEU pole is to consider the formation of a new technological paradigm in the Union’s development strategy amidst the transformation and transition to a new economic paradigm.Conclusions. Framing the EAEU as an independent pole, based on the concept of changing economic paradigms, implies a rethinking or establishment of institutions based on principles of non-discrimination, mutual respect for sovereignty and national interests, as well as the establishment of mutually beneficial relations with other states. Such an approach to pole-building is a key step in transitioning to the sixth technological paradigm.