AB STRACTThe wind field ef fect on the phase ve loc i ties of 3-to 10-me ter Farley-Buneman two-stream waves in the equa to rial E re gion ion o sphere at al ti tudes in the range of 95 -110 km is stud ied by nu mer i cal sim u la tion. The be hav ior of this two-stream wave in the uni form wind field U n in a plane per pen dic u lar to the Earth's mag netic field is sim u lated with a two-di men sional two-fluid code in which elec tron in er tia is ne glected while ion in er tia is re tained. It is con firmed that, the thresh old con di tion for the ap pear ance of two-stream waves is V C U D th s nand the phase ve loc ity of the two-stream wave at the thresh old con di tion is V p » C s + U n cos q, where q is the el e va tion an gle of the wave prop a ga tion in a lim ited range andThe first for mula in di cates that the wind field par al lel (anti-par al lel) to the elec tron drift ve loc ity will raise (lower) the thresh old drift ve loc ity by the amount of the wind speed. This means that par al lel wind is a sta ble fac tor, while anti-par al lel wind is an un sta ble fac tor of two-stream waves. This may ex plain why high speed (larger than acous tic speed) two-stream waves were rarely ob served, since larger thresh old drift ve loc ity de mands larger po lar iza tion elec tric field. The re sult of the sim u la tions at the sat u ra tion stage show that when V D was only slightly larger than V D th , the hor i zon tal phase ve loc ity of the two-stream wave would grad u ally down-shift to the thresh old phase ve loc ity C s + U n . The physical implications of which are discussed. . A three-dimen sional nu mer i cal model cal cu la tion (Hysell et al. 2002) in di cated that large hor i zon tal neu tral winds have strong effects on the equa to rial elec tro-jet and low lat i tude ion ospheric cur rent sys tem. These re ports sug gest that rou tine neu tral wind mea sure ments are re quired to ad vance the research of the ef fects of neu tral wind on the equa to rial electro-jet, and a proper for mula of wind ef fects is needed. Balsley et al. (1976) at tempted to es ti mate wind ve loc ities from mea sur ing the phase ve loc i ties of type 1/type 2 waves in the elec tro-jet. They as sumed in their mea sure ments that the phase ve loc ity of type 1 waves (two stream waves) in the frame of ref er ence of ions was the ion acous tic ve loc ity; hence, the Dopp ler ve loc ity ob served by ra dar on the ground would be (1) where r V p is the wave phase ve loc ity; r U n is the neu tral wind ve loc ity; and r k is the ra dar wave vec tor. Broche et al. (1978) also de rived the phase ve loc i ties of type 1 and type 2 ir reg u lar i ties to il lus trate the role of neu tral winds, and obtained the same Eq. (1) at the thresh old con di tion. Hanuise and Cro chet (1981) ap plied Eq. (1) to re duce the phase veloc i ties of 5 -50-m wave length type 1 waves from their radar ob ser va tion data, and found that the phase ve loc ity of short scale waves (l @ 5 m) was near the nom i nal ion acoustic ve loc ity (around 3...