Morphol., 35(4):1553Morphol., 35(4): -1559Morphol., 35(4): , 2017.
SUMMARY:This study represents a morphometric assessment of the anterior segment of the lumbar spine, focused on the vertebral body -intervertebral disk assembly, calculating some specific indicators and then completing direct morphometry data with the data resulting from the imaging interpretation and subsequently correlating the same to map an anatomic-imaging model. The study was carried out with anatomic items from personal archive and images obtained from Computer Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) assessment. The morphometric assessment was carried out for intervertebral disks, the disk height in the anterior and posterior sections and correlated with the disk angle degree. Direct morphometric data was compared and correlated with the data resulting from the imaging interpretation. Direct morphometric assessment was carried out for 11 vertebral blocks; the vertebral blocks were sectioned and turned into 22 vertebral semi-blocks allowing easy access to absolutely all dimensional values pursued, including the ones covered by the posterior arc. The assessment of imaging data was made with CT, CT 3D and MRI investigations from the 120 subjects in the study. The disk sizes were assessed by direct measurements on the anatomic items and directly measured by means of the software for modern imaging examination. In case of significant differences between the vertebral bodies, the calculation of disk sizes was made indirectly, on grounds of the geometric interpretation of the vertebral body face sizes. The vertebral body / intervertebral disk (IVD) assembly represents a dynamic structure, permanently subject to changes and adaptation, IVD being capable of incurring changes for the entire life time, including growth changes; the growth, however, is not lineal, but a succession of thickening and getting thinner, in full concordance with the structural stresses and changes occurring inside.