Lidar is a well-known optical technology for measuring a target's range and radial velocity. We describe two lidar systems that use entanglement between transmitted signals and retained idlers to obtain significant quantum enhancements in simultaneous measurements of these parameters. The first entanglement-enhanced lidar circumvents the Arthurs-Kelly uncertainty relation for simultaneous measurements of range and radial velocity from the detection of a single photon returned from the target. This performance presumes there is no extraneous (background) light, but is robust to the round-trip loss incurred by the signal photons. The second entanglement-enhanced lidar-which requires a lossless, noiseless environment-realizes Heisenberg-limited accuracies for both its range and radial-velocity measurements, i.e., their root-mean-square estimation errors are both proportional to 1/M when M signal photons are transmitted. These two lidars derive their entanglementbased enhancements from the use of a unitary transformation that takes a signal-idler photon pair with frequencies ω S and ω I and converts it to a signal-idler photon pair whose frequencies are (ω S + ω I )/2 and (ω S − ω I )/2. Insight into how this transformation provides its benefits is provided through an analogy to continuous-variable superdense coding. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.96.040304 Quantum metrology [1-3] addresses measuring unknown parameters of a physical system using quantum-mechanical resources. A typical single-parameter scenario involves interrogating a physical system with M probes that undergo independent, identical interactions with the system. These probes then carry away information that can be used to estimate the parameter of interest. When the M probes are in a product state, the standard quantum limit (SQL)-with a root-meansquare (rms) estimation error proportional to 1/ √ M-can be achieved. Entangled probes, however, can realize the Heisenberg limit (HL) [2,3], viz., an rms estimation error that is proportional to 1/M [2][3][4][5][6][7]. SQL vs HL behavior for single-parameter estimation can arise, e.g., in measuring time delays [5], point-source separations [8][9][10][11], displacements [12][13][14], or magnetic fields [15].Significant complications occur, in the independent, identical interactions setting, when there are multiple unknown parameters [12][13][14][15]. In particular, if these parameters are associated with noncommuting observables, then the uncertainty principle would seem to forbid obtaining unlimited simultaneous knowledge of them from a single returned probe [16][17][18][19][20][21][22]. In such cases, quantum-enhanced accuracy can be obtained by entangling probes with locally stored idlers [12][13][14][23][24][25][26][27], in addition to the benefit derived from entangling different probes.In this Rapid Communication we address quantum metrology for a specific pair of parameters associated with noncommuting observables: the lidar problem of measuring both a target's range and its radial velocity. We describe tw...