We investigate the effect of a spin-density wave (SDW) on s ± superconductivity in Fe-based superconductors. We show that, contrary to the common wisdom, no nodes open at the new, reconnected Fermi surfaces when the hole and electron pockets fold down in the SDW state, despite the fact that the s ± gap changes sign between the two pockets. Instead, the order parameter preserves its sign along the newly formed Fermi surfaces. The familiar experimental signatures of an s ± symmetry are still preserved, although they appear in a mathematically different way. For a regular s case (s ++ ) the nodes do appear in the SDW state. This distinction suggests a novel simple way to experimentally separate an s ± state from a regular s in the pnictides. We argue that recently published thermal conductivity data in the coexisting state are consistent with the s ± , but not the s ++ state. PACS numbers: 74.20.Rp, 74.25.Nf, The superconducting pnictides continue to attract great interest over a year after the original discovery. Despite more than a thousand preprints and publications, the most basic questions about pairing symmetries and mechanisms remain controversial. Early on the s ± pairing symmetry was proposed 1,2 , in which the superconducting gap function changes sign from the hole to the electron pockets, but is roughly constant on each surface. A possibility of an accidentally nodal s ± state, or a d-wave state, depending upon parameter values, was also proposed 2 , and investigated in many details recently 3 . As of now, significant experimental evidence has been accumulated in favor of the s ± proposal, and substantial theoretical effort has been devoted to the study of various properties of such a state (see Refs. 4,5 for reviews). So far, however, no one has addressed the possible modification of an s ± state due to a static spin density wave (SDW) coexisting with superconductivity. At the same time the emerging consensus among experimentalists (see Refs. 6,7,8,9,10,11) is that in most systems, most notably in both electron and hole doped 122 materials, there is a range of coexistence of SDW and superconductivity, probably up to the optimal doping level (some, however, have argued for mesoscopic phase separation on the hole-doping side 11,12 ). It was recently estimated that the magnetic moment at the Co concentration of 7% is 0.1 µ B per Fe, corresponding, roughly, to an antiferromagnetic field of the order of 50-100 meV 10 .The subject of an SDW coexisting with superconductivity has a long history, dating back to Bulaevskii et al in 1980 13 and numerous work since then. It was shown 13,14 that in a one-band BCS superconductor a spiral SDW induces a gap anisotropy that leads to gap nodes, while a collinear SDW still leads to a finite energy gap 14 . The case of the s ± superconductivity in Fe-based superconductors (FBS), on the first glance, seems quite simple: first, the SDW wave we are dealing with here is simply a collinear double-cell antiferromagnetic (AF) order, so one need not be bothered by the difference b...