Magnetoresistance ͑MR͒ and magnetothermoelectric power ͑MTEP͒ of iodine-doped single-walled carbon nanotubes ͑I@SWNT͒ under magnetic fields up to 14 T are investigated from room temperature ͑300 K͒ down to 1.6 K. Our results on resistivity and thermoelectricpower ͑TEP͒ in a zero magnetic field are similar to those reported by Grigorian et al. ͓Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 5560 ͑1998͔͒ The positive sign of the TEP values indicates that the majority of the carriers in the I@SWNT are holes. The broad enhancement of TEP at temperatures of 30-200 K shows quasilinear temperature dependence and is consistent with sharply varying density of states near the Fermi level with additional contribution from the spin-orbit scattering in the normal metallic characteristics of the I@SWNT. For T Ͻ 7 K, MR is negative and it decreases with H 2 followed by the H 1/2 dependence at around H = 2 T which is characteristic for the weak localization. In the range 7 KϽ T Ͻ 70 K, MR is positive at low magnetic field and becomes negative at higher magnetic field. The negative MR in the high magnetic fields decreases linearly. At T Ն ϳ 100 K, MR is positive up to 14 T, which could be the result of spin-orbit scattering in the I@SWNT. The MTEP decreases under magnetic field at T Ͻ 90 K. The reduction in MTEP is originated from the delocalization of electron wave functions under the magnetic field. At T Ͼ 90 K, the thermal fluctuation dominates the effect of magnetic fields resulting the MTEP to be the same as the zero magnetic field TEP.