Targeted gene disruption in the murine TOP3 gene-encoding DNA topoisomerase III was carried out. In contrast to the embryonic lethality of mutant mice lacking DNA topoisomerase III␣, top3 ؊͞؊ nulls are viable and grow to maturity with no apparent defects. Mice lacking DNA topoisomerase III have a shorter life expectancy than their wild-type littermates, however. The mean lifespan of the top3 ؊͞؊ mice is about 15 months, whereas that of their wild-type littermates is longer than 2 years. Mortality of the top3 ؊͞؊ nulls appears to correlate with lesions in multiple organs, including hypertrophy of the spleen and submandibular lymph nodes, glomerulonephritis, and perivascular infiltrates in various organs. Because the DNA topoisomerase III isozymes are likely to interact with helicases of the RecQ family, enzymes that include the determinants of human Bloom, Werner, and Rothmund-Thomson syndromes, the shortened lifespan of top3 ؊͞؊ mice points to the possibility that the DNA topoisomerase III isozymes might be involved in the pathogenesis of progeroid syndromes caused by defective RecQ helicases.RecQ helicases ͉ human progeroid syndromes I n human as well as in mouse, DNA topoisomerase III is the newest member of the DNA topoisomerase family (1, 2). It belongs to the type IA subfamily of DNA topoisomerases that are characterized by their transient breakage of a DNA strand by transesterification between an enzyme tyrosyl group and a DNA 5Ј phosphoryl group (3, 4). The type IA enzymes also display a strong specificity for negatively supercoiled DNA and DNA containing single-stranded regions (3, 4). Biochemically, mammalian DNA topoisomerase III resembles mammalian DNA topoisomerase III␣ as well as bacterial and yeast DNA topoisomerase III (2).Information on the cellular functions of the type IA enzymes mostly is derived from studies of bacteria and yeasts. In bacteria, there are two type IA enzymes, DNA topoisomerases I and III. The major role of bacterial DNA topoisomerase I, encoded by the topA gene, appears to be the prevention of excessive negative supercoiling of intracellular DNA (3-5). The lethality resulting from inactivating Escherichia coli DNA topoisomerase I, for example, can be alleviated by mutations that reduce the cellular level of DNA gyrase (6-8), an enzyme that catalyzes DNAnegative supercoiling, or by the expression of eukaryotic or vaccinia virus DNA topoisomerase I (9, 10), a type IB enzyme that relaxes positively or negatively supercoiled DNA but is structurally and mechanistically very different from the type IA enzymes (3). The prominent role of E. coli DNA topoisomerase I in the removal of negative supercoils indicates that the other type IA enzyme in E. coli, the topB-encoded DNA topoisomerase III, is ineffective in this role. Purified E. coli DNA topoisomerase III is proficient in linking or unlinking DNA single strands, but is inefficient in the relaxation of negatively supercoiled DNAs (11). The two type IA E. coli enzymes may share, however, an essential cellular function unrel...