In 2010, the WHO introduced the seventh edition of the tumor node metastasis (TNM) classification that provides a more detailed classification for both local tumor invasion (T) and lymph node involvement (N) compared with the previous version. The T and N categories of tumors located in the stomach have been further modified with the intention to ensure a better correlation to the prognostic outcome. For the classification of a pN0, the number of lymph nodes has been adjusted to 16.The description of tumors with origin in the esophagus has been simplified and includes tumors of the esophagogastric junction as well as gastric tumors extending to the proximal 5 cm of the stomach. Major changes are further the subclassification of the categories T1 and T4 and the new N categorization now considering the number of lymph nodes involved within tree categories. Furthermore, positive lymph nodes in the region of the celiac trunc are considered as regional in case of esophageal cancers.The validity of the new classification system in its prognostic efficacy was compared to the previous edition. A study conducted in China proved a better prognostic stratification for the new actualized version [1]. Another study from Korea showed similar results for the new TNM system, proving a more detailed prognostic assessment, especially between T2 and T3 and N1 and N2 tumors [2]. The advantage of the new (7th) edition was mainly confirmed for the prognostic value of accurate lymph node assessment [3].Concerning the classification of early gastric cancer (GC) in the new system, a study from Italy confirmed the usefulness of the new classification for metastatic lymph nodes as a prognostic tool in case of early GC.
AbstractThe validity and usefulness of the 7th edition of the UICC tumor node metastasis classification in the context of clinical management of gastric cancer are discussed. The most relevant new agent in gastric cancer therapy is trastuzumab for HER2-positive gastric carcinomas. This marks the success of continuous effort of translational research. Trastuzumab, initially applied in palliative settings, is currently being evaluated also in neoadjuvant treatment regimens. Several new meta-analyses support the carcinogenic effect of high salt intake and smoking in the context of Helicobacter pylori infection. Further data have become available on the efficacy of protective agents, acetyl salicylic acid ⁄ nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and antioxidants. In search for a successful prevention strategy, the focus is on the identification of individuals at high risk who demand screening (testing) and surveillance. Serological assessment of gastric mucosal abnormalities with increased risk for gastric cancer development is extensively studied, and new data are presented from Asia as well as from Europe. New high-throughput techniques combined with bioinformatic vector analysis open the gate to the identification of new potential diagnostic and therapeutic targets. Furthermore, these approaches allow us to elucidate the int...