Field and Logistics. The field is located offshore, approximately 200 km (108 nm) away from the nearest airport. Flight time is 1 hour and 5 minutes in still air by a twin-engine medium-sized helicopter with two blades that has a cruise speed of 100 knots. In the case of a four-blade twin-engine helicopter with a cruise speed of 125 knots, flight time is 52 minutes in still air. In the case of vessel transportation, it takes 1 day from the nearest port. The field has been developed with facilities consisting of a central complex with living quarters and surrounding unmanned platforms. All wells are tied-in platforms. Produced fluids are sent to the central complex through subsea flowlines. The central complex has both a helideck and large crane equipment, while the platforms have a helideck and simple human-powered hoist equipment only, without any crane equipment. Regular or ad hoc but prescheduled material transportation is performed by an offshore support vessel between the nearest port and the central complex, except urgent/emergency transportation. Once materials arrive at the complex, the method of transportation from the complex to the platform depends on the situation. If there are small materials that can be managed by human carrying or lifting with simple hoist equipment, then those materials are transported by supply boat. Heavier materials that cannot be lifted by human power are transported by helicopter. There are three types of platforms-one-leg, three-leg, and four-leg. The number of well slots and the size of the helideck increase with the number of legs on the platform. Climate. The climate of the field area is characterized by a mild winter and a hot summer (Bower et al. 1992). Rainfall is slight, averaging less than 20 mm/a. The mean maximum/minimum temperature and sea-level pressure are varied at 103/86°F (39/30°C) and 996 to 998 mbar in summer and 73/59°F (23/15°C) and 1018 to 1020 mbar in winter. Wind direction is stable at northwest or north-northwest, with stable prevailing wind speed ranging from 9 to 12 knots throughout the year. It is reported that humidity ranged between 67 and 81% all year around. Slickline/Wireline Operation. Through-tubing operations are carried out for purposes of bottomhole shut-in pressure survey, bottomhole fluid sampling, production logging, maintenance or replacement of subsurface safety valve, and gauge cutting to remove asphaltene deposits or scale. Typical operation teams consist of a company representative (supervisor), and four to five contractors from the service company (a slickline/wireline engineer and three or four workers). The operation tools consist of a winch unit, power-pack unit, BOP unit, lubricator, tool strings, stuffing box, joints, sockets, and other equipment. The winch and power pack are skid units that can be easily packed and lifted by industrial crane. Other equipment is packed in tool boxes or baskets for transportation. The tool boxes and baskets are types of portable freight containers that have a rectangular prism shape. At its f...