Based on the five species hybrid model by Scherer & Ferreira (2005, ASTRA, 1, 17) we describe the observations of energetic cosmic ray particles by the Voyager 1 spacecraft for solar minimum and maximum conditions during both the A < 0 as well the A > 0 heliomagnetic cycle. Without going into a detailed data and model analysis, we will show that the model (BoPo-code) is well suited to explain the longterm trend in the observed proton data as this spacecraft moves into the outer heliosphere. By comparison of model results to the observations along the Voyager trajectory we predict, depending on cosmic ray energy, a smooth transition in observed radial profiles after the crossing of the termination shock. From a cosmic ray particle perspective the effect of the shock might be seen in the very low energy data (<30 MeV), where a change in radial gradient occurs over the shock. Also, as Voyager 1 moves into the heliosheath, we show that the solar-cycle related changes in cosmic ray observations, which are clearly observed inside the termination shock, are expected to decrease toward the heliopause beyond which the LISM spectra is assumed to be unperturbed.Key words. heliosphere -interstellar medium -cosmic rays
MotivationIn the past years a lot of effort was put in the development of highly advanced models describing the interaction between the interstellar medium and the solar wind: hydrodynamic models (see e. On the other hand, the emphasis in modeling the energydependent cosmic ray flux (see Potgieter 1998, for a review), was put on kinetic modulation models (e.g. (1993), where at low energies, the radial gradient changes abruptly from a lower value inside the shock to a higher value outside, where as at high energies, the higher value of the gradient are inside the shock.Recently, both approaches have been combined by using a hybrid code, the so-called BoPo-model: a hydrodynamical model for the interaction between the solar wind and interstellar protons as well as the interaction with the interstellar neutral hydrogen. Due to charge exchange processes in the inner heliosphere between these particle species new ions are created, the pickup ions (PUIs), which are then transported by the solar wind and its magnetic field to the termination shock. This latter species is also described by a hydrodynamic continuity equation. The acceleration of ACRs at the termination shock and their transport as well as that of GCRs into the inner heliosphere is then selfconsistently described by a kinetic transport model based on solving the Parker (1965) transport equation in the meridional plane of the heliosphere. Because this is a 2-D axisymmetric model, the description in the ecliptical-crosswind direction is not correct. On the other hand the main modulation of the CRs take place at the nose and over the poles, so that in the meridional plane our model adequately describes the physical situation. The advantage of the 2-D model is that it is fast and one can use it modeling the solar cycle variation dynamically includ...