The triple-alpha reaction is one of the key reactions in nuclear astrophysics. The reaction rate is primarily needed at temperatures of some 10 8 K typical for Helium burning in red giant stars, but the rate at very low and very high temperatures is also needed for various specialized applications. Here we discuss new experimental results relevant for determining the rate of the 3α reaction. First, we present a new improved upper limit for direct α-decay of the Hoyle state, which effectively removes this issue from the error budget of the reaction rate at Helium burning temperatures. We use the reaction 11 B(3 He,d)3α to populate the Hoyle state, and measure its decay in complete kinematics. Second, we present a new method for studying broad resonances in 12 C. We populate a resonance above the region of interest and select γ-decays of this resonance to lower lying resonances. The γ-decay is identified by measuring the final state in complete kinematics, which makes it possible to identify γ-decay to broad resonances, which is otherwise very difficult due to either background from overlapping states with different spin-parity, or due to the response of conventional gamma-detectors. By choosing the first resonance appropriately one can enhance the selectivity for each state of interest by using the selection rules of γ-decay. Our first case using this method is a search for the first 2 + resonance in 12 C, which has been the object of countless studies throughout the years. We will present clear evidence for a 2 + resonance near 11-12 MeV and tentative evidence also for a resonance at 9-10 MeV. These resonances will enhance the 3α-reaction rate at elevated temperatures.