When changing cars’ fuel (hydrogen, methane, oil gas), the demands for safe garages for one car in dwelling buildings are being changed, too. It is necessary to know and understand the expansion of gases in the circumstances of unexpected gas escape to establish the
safety rules. With the help of a model garage (1 : 10) we use an
experiment to find out the expansion of gases or the concentration on
separate measuring points. We measured the concentration of argon, helium and the mixture of hydrogen and argon, methane and argon.
We observed the filling and the emptying of the enclosure – model
garage. According to the results, we got with the measuring, we
searched out suitable mathematical curves, which would well enough list the enlargement of concentration at separate measuring points. We are still looking for a connection between the parameters of the curves, the parameters of measuring and the conditions of the experiments. We will be able to find a suitable safety protection if we know the behaviour of the gases in a concrete closed room.
Key words: mathematical model, gas expansion, safety in a garage.