This research was an active surveillance of gastrointestinal parasites that parasitize rural birds in Fako Division, South West Cameroon. Eight hundred and eighty eight sterile samples of the faeces of 889 rural birds were collected randomly from 4 localities in Fako Division. These were immediately transported to the laboratory for analysis by the saturated salt/sugar solution floatation method. Viewing with x10 objective of the microscope it was discovered that out of the 889 samples examined for gastrointestinal parasites, 500 were infected with the following prevalence values: Eimeria species (301, 33.9%), Ascaridia galli (127, 14.3%), Heterakis gallinarium (87, 9.8%), Strongyloides species (76, 8.6%), Capillaria species (51, 5.7%) and Trichuris (51, 5.74%). The highest prevalence from the four locations was registered in Muyuka (220, 76.61%), followed by Tole (56, 61.54%) and the least was registered in Muea (282, 44.48%). It was concluded that there is a considerable level of coccidian and Ascaridia galli in Fako in rural birds, which could lead to high losses. We advice for workshops with these local farmers on the importance of keeping local birds, feeding, housing and how to improve on management of these fowls for optimum yield.All copyrights reserved to Nexus® academic publishers