Rabbit reticulocyte lysates preincubated at 42 -45 "C and subsequently assayed for protein synthesis at 37 "C show (a) a decrease in their rate of polypeptide chain initiation and (b) decreased Met-tRNAf binding to native 40-S subunits and 80-S ribosomes. Similarly, the amount of [3sS]Met-tRNAf . 40-S-subunit initiation complexes formed in vitro with native 40-S subunits isolated from supraoptimally heated lysates is only 10 -30 of that formed with native 40-S subunits prepared from control lysates preincubatedat 0 "C or 37 "C. This decrease is not due to reduced formation of Met-tRNAr ternary complex or to increased destruction of this complex, since we find that 0.5 M KC1 ribosomal washes extracted from lysates preincubated at 0 "C, 37 "C, or 43-45 C have almost identical activities in Met-tRNAf . GTP . eIF-2 ternary complex formation and Met-tRNAf hydrolysis, whether assayed at 37 "C or 45 "C. Similarly, the results of binding assays of [35S]Met-tRNAf to 40-S subunits performed at both temperatures show that the control and heated washes, added at either limiting or optimal amounts, stimulate almost equally the binding of Met-tRNAf to (a) salt-washed derived 40-S subunits and (b) native 40-S subunits, prepared from control or supraoptimally heated lysates. Moreover the factor-directed binding of Met-tRNAf by the derived 40-S subunits is not affected by the presence of either the control or heated postribosomal supernatant. We conclude that at elevated temperatures there is no irreversible inactivation of the Met-tRNAf binding factor for ternary complex formation and Met-tRNAf binding to 40-S subunits in vitro and discuss some possible explanations for the lowered Met-tRNAf binding observed in vivo.Incubation of rabbit reticulocyte lysates at 42 -45 "C leads to a rapid decrease in their rate of protein synthesis with a concomittant breakdown of polysomes and a reduction in the amount of [35S]Met-tRNAf . 40-S-ribosomal-subunit initiation complex formed [1,2]. This and other evidence implicates a lesion in polypeptide chain initiation which superficially resembles that seen in lysates incubated without haemin [3 -51. We have already presented evidence that the haemin-independent high-temperature-sensitive lesion in polypeptide chain initiation, although mediated by a soluble inhibitor which resembles the haemincontrolled repressor, does not lead to any apparent unit, the quantity of material contained in 1 ml of a solution which has an absorbance of 1 at 260 nm when measured in a l-cm pathlength cell.Enzyme. Creatine kinase (EC of initiation factors when assayed at 30-37 "C (see preceding paper [6]). Moreover, addition of optimal amounts of control initiation factors, contained in the 0.5 M KCl ribosomal wash of unincubated lysates, to the 45 "C preheated lysates [2,6] or of a mixture of partially purified factors, including the Met-tRNAf binding factor, to preheated KCIwashed ribosomes and reticulocyte supernatant [7], fail to restore their rate of protein synthesis to the cont...