“…In recent years, changes in blood pressure, heart rate (f H ), stroke volume (SV), cardiac output (Q ) and total peripheral resistance (TPR) in response to apnoea (cardiovascular response to apnoea) were determined beat-by-beat on elite divers during apnoeas prolonged to the volitional breaking point (Costalat et al, 2013;Lemaître et al, 2008;Perini et al, 2008Perini et al, , 2010Sivieri et al, 2015). These studies described the cardiovascular response to apnoea as consisting of three distinct phases: (i) a short dynamic phase ( 1), that lasts less than 30 s, characterised by rapid changes in blood Abbreviation: DBP, diastolic blood pressure; fH, heart rate; FIO2, inspired oxygen fraction; MBP, mean blood pressure;Q , cardiac output; SaO2, arterial oxygen saturation; SBP, systolic blood pressure; SV, stroke volume; TPR, total peripheral resistance;V O2, oxygen uptake; 1, first, dynamic phase of the cardiovascular response to apnoea; 2, second, steady-state phase of the cardiovascular response to apnoea; 3, third, dynamic phase of the cardiovascular response to apnoea.pressure and f H ; (ii) a steady state phase ( 2), of about 2 min, in which the values attained by each variable at the end of 1 are maintained invariant; and (iii) a further subsequent dynamic phase ( 3), lasting about 1.5 min, characterised by a continuous decrease in f H and increase in blood pressure, until the volitional breaking point was reached.…”